Before sending us a message, please read our FAQ.

MixieClothing Logo

What are the delivery charges for orders from the Online Shop?

It depends on the difference in the products. You can check the delivery charge at check out.

Which payment methods are accepted in the Online Shop?

We prefer payments by PayPal or through your Credit Card. However, payment needs to be received within 24 hours of purchase or we will cancel it automatically the transaction and item resold.

How long will the delivery take?

Mixieclothing will send you an email about a tracking number as soon as our store shipping your item. We make items according to your order and will ship it within 1-5 business days from the date of purchase. We use USPS First Class or Priority Mail within U.S. and it takes 10-15 business days to USA and Canada, and 20 – 30 working days worldwide once it has been shipped.

How secure is shopping in the Online Shop? Is my data protected?

We use Comodo Secure Socket Layers (SSL), the industry-standard in transferring information to process your orders. The SSL encrypts, or translates your order information into a highly indecipherable code, and processing it immediately.

This procedure makes your account information unreadable from the time you submit your order until the time it reaches us. When you’ve finished shopping and begin the checkout process, you will move into the secure area of our web. Once you’ve entered, the page address (URL) will change from Http to https, to let you know you are in a secure area. You will remain in this secure zone for the entire checkout process.

What exactly happens after ordering?

We will process your order. It will take 2-3 days processing before shipped to address order. You will get tracking order to system and tracking number by email.

Do I receive my invoice for my orders?

Yes, you will receive an invoice for your order. We will send you an invoice for your order via email.
Guarantee and order terms

As a good customer at www.Mixieclothing.com, please take note of our guarantee and order terms of refunds and exchanges below:


  • We accept returns within 6 days after you receive your package.
  • We only accept returns for the purchase in original condition.
  • We’re not responsible for shipping and customs fees (for international shipping).


Certainly, we will replace 100% by sending a new item if the item you receive is different or does not match our image.

Note: Use your picture! Contact us to put your image on your very own custom own picture!

Mixieclothing will work hard to fully satisfy our customers. Send us a message by email after reading our FAQ to [email protected]